TClientDataSet的 fastscript封装
// 陈新光 2017-2-10
// TClientDataSet's fastscriptunit fs_ClientDataSet;
SysUtils, Classes, fs_iinterpreter, fs_itools, fs_ievents, DB, fs_iclassesrtti, Variants, DBClient {$IFDEF Delphi16} , System.Types, Controls {$ENDIF} ;type
TCDSRTTI = class(TClientDataSet);TCDSNotifyEvent = class(TfsCustomEvent)
public procedure DoEvent(Dataset: TClientDataSet); function GetMethod: Pointer; override; end; TCDSErrorEvent = class(TfsCustomEvent) public procedure DoEvent(DataSet: TDataSet; E: EDatabaseError;var Action: TDataAction); function GetMethod: Pointer; override; end; TCDSFilterRecordEvent = class(TfsCustomEvent) public procedure DoEvent(DataSet: TClientDataSet; var Accept: Boolean); function GetMethod: Pointer; override; end;TCDSFieldGetTextEvent = class(TfsCustomEvent)
public procedure DoEvent(Sender: TField; var Text: String; DisplayText: Boolean); function GetMethod: Pointer; override; end;type
TCDSFunctions = class(TfsRTTIModule) private function CallMethod(Instance: TObject; ClassType: TClass; const MethodName: String; Caller: TfsMethodHelper): Variant; function GetProp(Instance: TObject; ClassType: TClass; const PropName: String): Variant; procedure SetProp(Instance: TObject; ClassType: TClass; const PropName: String; Value: Variant); public constructor Create(AScript: TfsScript); override; end;implementation
TByteSet = set of 0..7; PByteSet = ^TByteSet;procedure TCDSNotifyEvent.DoEvent(Dataset: TClientDataSet);
begin CallHandler([Dataset]);end;function TCDSNotifyEvent.GetMethod: Pointer;
begin Result := @TCDSNotifyEvent.DoEvent;end; procedure TCDSErrorEvent.DoEvent(DataSet: TDataSet; E: EDatabaseError;var Action: TDataAction);begin CallHandler([Dataset,@E,@Action]); Action := Handler.Params[2].Value;end;function TCDSErrorEvent.GetMethod: Pointer;
begin Result := @TCDSErrorEvent.DoEvent;end; procedure TCDSFilterRecordEvent.DoEvent(DataSet: Tclientdataset; var Accept: Boolean);begin CallHandler([DataSet, Accept]); Accept := Handler.Params[1].Value;end;function TCDSFilterRecordEvent.GetMethod: Pointer;
begin Result := @TCDSFilterRecordEvent.DoEvent;end; procedure TCDSFieldGetTextEvent.DoEvent(Sender: TField; var Text: String; DisplayText: Boolean);begin CallHandler([Sender, Text, DisplayText]); Text := Handler.Params[1].Value;end;function TCDSFieldGetTextEvent.GetMethod: Pointer;
begin Result := @TCDSFieldGetTextEvent.DoEvent;end;constructor TCDSFunctions.Create(AScript: TfsScript);
begin inherited Create(AScript); with AScript do begin with AddClass(TClientDataSet, 'TDataSet') do begin AddMethod('procedure Open', CallMethod); AddMethod('procedure Close', CallMethod); AddMethod('procedure First', CallMethod); AddMethod('procedure Last', CallMethod); AddMethod('procedure Next', CallMethod); AddMethod('procedure Prior', CallMethod); AddMethod('procedure Cancel', CallMethod); AddMethod('procedure Delete', CallMethod); AddMethod('procedure Post', CallMethod); AddMethod('procedure Append', CallMethod); AddMethod('procedure Insert', CallMethod); AddMethod('procedure Edit', CallMethod); AddConstructor('constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent)',CallMethod);AddMethod('function FieldByName(const FieldName: string): TField', CallMethod);
AddMethod('procedure GetFieldNames(List: TStrings)', CallMethod); AddMethod('function FindFirst: Boolean', CallMethod); AddMethod('function FindLast: Boolean', CallMethod); AddMethod('function FindNext: Boolean', CallMethod); AddMethod('function FindPrior: Boolean', CallMethod); AddMethod('procedure FreeBookmark(Bookmark: TBookmark)', CallMethod); AddMethod('function GetBookmark: TBookmark', CallMethod); AddMethod('procedure GotoBookmark(Bookmark: TBookmark)', CallMethod); AddMethod('function Locate(const KeyFields: string; const KeyValues: Variant;' + 'Options: TLocateOptions): Boolean', CallMethod); AddMethod('function IsEmpty: Boolean', CallMethod); AddMethod('procedure EnableControls', CallMethod); AddMethod('procedure DisableControls', CallMethod); AddMethod('procedure AddIndex(const Name, Fields: string;Options: TIndexOptions)',CallMethod);AddProperty('Bof', 'Boolean', GetProp, nil);
AddProperty('Eof', 'Boolean', GetProp, nil); AddProperty('FieldCount', 'Integer', GetProp, nil); AddProperty('FieldDefs', 'TFieldDefs', GetProp, nil); AddProperty('Fields', 'TFields', GetProp, nil); AddProperty('Filter', 'string', GetProp, SetProp); AddProperty('Filtered', 'Boolean', GetProp, SetProp); AddProperty('FilterOptions', 'TFilterOptions', GetProp, SetProp); AddProperty('Active', 'Boolean', GetProp, SetProp); AddProperty('Data','OleVariant',GetProp,SetProp); AddProperty('Params','TParams',GetProp,NIL); AddProperty('IndexDefs','TIndexDefs',GetProp,nil); AddProperty('FilterCode','string',GetProp,SetProp); AddProperty('FilterLineListText','string',GetProp,SetProp); AddProperty('FilterLineSQL','string',GetProp,SetProp); AddProperty('FbMustFilter','Boolean',GetProp,SetProp); AddProperty('FbPost','Boolean',GetProp,SetProp); AddProperty('FbMultTable','Boolean',GetProp,SetProp); AddProperty('RecordCount','Integer',GetProp,nil); AddProperty('QFDataSetOpenSQL','string',GetProp,SetProp); AddEvent('BeforeOpen', TCDSNotifyEvent); AddEvent('AfterOpen', TCDSNotifyEvent); AddEvent('BeforeClose', TCDSNotifyEvent); AddEvent('AfterClose', TCDSNotifyEvent); AddEvent('BeforeInsert', TCDSNotifyEvent); AddEvent('AfterInsert', TCDSNotifyEvent); AddEvent('BeforeEdit', TCDSNotifyEvent); AddEvent('AfterEdit', TCDSNotifyEvent); AddEvent('BeforePost', TCDSNotifyEvent); AddEvent('AfterPost', TCDSNotifyEvent); AddEvent('BeforeCancel', TCDSNotifyEvent); AddEvent('AfterCancel', TCDSNotifyEvent); AddEvent('BeforeDelete', TCDSNotifyEvent); AddEvent('AfterDelete', TCDSNotifyEvent); AddEvent('BeforeScroll', TCDSNotifyEvent); AddEvent('AfterScroll', TCDSNotifyEvent); AddEvent('OnCalcFields', TCDSNotifyEvent); AddEvent('OnFilterRecord', TCDSFilterRecordEvent); AddEvent('OnNewRecord', TCDSNotifyEvent); AddEvent('OnPostError', TCDSErrorEvent); end; end;end;function TCDSFunctions.CallMethod(Instance: TObject; ClassType: TClass;
const MethodName: String; Caller: TfsMethodHelper): Variant;var _TDataSet: TClientDataSet; _TIndexDefs:TIndexDefs; function IntToLocateOptions(i: Integer): TLocateOptions; begin Result := []; if (i and 1) <> 0 then Result := Result + [loCaseInsensitive]; if (i and 2) <> 0 then Result := Result + [loPartialKey]; end;function IntToIndexOptions(i: Integer): TIndexOptions;
begin Result := []; if (i = 1) then Result := Result + [ixPrimary]; if (i = 2) then Result := Result + [ixUnique]; if (i = 3) then Result := Result + [ixDescending]; if (i = 4) then Result := Result + [ixCaseInsensitive]; if (i = 5) then Result := Result + [ixExpression]; if (i = 6) then Result := Result + [ixNonMaintained]; end; procedure IndexDefsAdd(QName, QFields: string;QArgs:Variant); var ar:TIndexOptions; i,n:Integer; begin n := VarArrayHighBound(QArgs, 1) + 1; for i := 0 to n - 1 do begin ar :=ar+ IntToIndexOptions(QArgs[i]); end; _TIndexDefs.Add(QName,QFields,ar); end;procedure BsAddIndex(QName, QFields: string;QArgs:Variant);
var ar:TIndexOptions; i,n:Integer; begin n := VarArrayHighBound(QArgs, 1) + 1; for i := 0 to n - 1 do begin ar :=ar+ IntToIndexOptions(QArgs[i]); end; _TDataSet.AddIndex(QName,QFields,ar); end;begin
Result := 0; if ClassType = TClientDataSet then begin _TDataSet := TClientDataSet(Instance); if MethodName = 'OPEN' then _TDataSet.Open else if MethodName = 'CLOSE' then _TDataSet.Close else if MethodName = 'FIRST' then _TDataSet.First else if MethodName = 'LAST' then _TDataSet.Last else if MethodName = 'NEXT' then _TDataSet.Next else if MethodName = 'PRIOR' then _TDataSet.Prior else if MethodName = 'CANCEL' then _TDataSet.Cancel else if MethodName = 'DELETE' then _TDataSet.Delete else if MethodName = 'POST' then _TDataSet.Post else if MethodName = 'APPEND' then _TDataSet.Append else if MethodName = 'INSERT' then _TDataSet.Insert else if MethodName = 'EDIT' then _TDataSet.Edit else if MethodName = 'FIELDBYNAME' then Result := frxInteger(_TDataSet.FieldByName(Caller.Params[0])) else if MethodName = 'GETFIELDNAMES' then _TDataSet.GetFieldNames(TStrings(frxInteger(Caller.Params[0]))) else if MethodName = 'FINDFIRST' then Result := _TDataSet.FindFirst else if MethodName = 'FINDLAST' then Result := _TDataSet.FindLast else if MethodName = 'FINDNEXT' then Result := _TDataSet.FindNext else if MethodName = 'FINDPRIOR' then Result := _TDataSet.FindPrior else if MethodName = 'FREEBOOKMARK' then _TDataSet.FreeBookmark(TBookMark(frxInteger(Caller.Params[0]))) {$IFNDEF WIN64} else if MethodName = 'GETBOOKMARK' then Result := frxInteger(_TDataSet.GetBookmark) {$ENDIF} else if MethodName = 'GOTOBOOKMARK' then _TDataSet.GotoBookmark(TBookMark(frxInteger(Caller.Params[0]))) else if MethodName = 'LOCATE' then Result := _TDataSet.Locate(Caller.Params[0], Caller.Params[1], IntToLocateOptions(Caller.Params[2])) else if MethodName = 'ISEMPTY' then Result := _TDataSet.IsEmpty else if MethodName = 'ENABLECONTROLS' then _TDataSet.EnableControls else if MethodName = 'DISABLECONTROLS' then _TDataSet.DisableControls else if MethodName='CREATE' then Result := frxInteger(TComponent(Instance).Create(TComponent(frxInteger(Caller.Params[0])))) else if MethodName='ADDINDEX' then BsAddIndex(Caller.Params[0], Caller.Params[1],Caller.Params[2]) end else if ClassType = TIndexDefs then begin _TIndexDefs := TIndexDefs(Instance); if MethodName='ADD' then IndexDefsAdd(Caller.Params[0],Caller.Params[1],Caller.Params[2]) end;end;function TCDSFunctions.GetProp(Instance: TObject; ClassType: TClass;
const PropName: String): Variant;var _TDataSet: TClientDataSet;function FilterOptionsToInt(f: TFilterOptions): Integer;
begin Result := 0; if foCaseInsensitive in f then Result := Result or 1; if foNoPartialCompare in f then Result := Result or 2; end;begin
Result := 0; if ClassType = TClientDataSet then begin _TDataSet := TClientDataSet(Instance); if PropName = 'BOF' then Result := _TDataSet.Bof else if PropName = 'EOF' then Result := _TDataSet.Eof else if PropName = 'FIELDCOUNT' then Result := _TDataSet.FieldCount else if PropName = 'FIELDDEFS' then Result := frxInteger(_TDataSet.FieldDefs) else if PropName = 'FIELDS' then Result := frxInteger(_TDataSet.Fields) else if PropName = 'FILTER' then Result := _TDataSet.Filter else if PropName = 'FILTERED' then Result := _TDataSet.Filtered else if PropName = 'FILTEROPTIONS' then Result := FilterOptionsToInt(_TDataSet.FilterOptions) else if PropName = 'ACTIVE' then Result := _TDataSet.Active else if PropName = 'DATA' then Result := _TDataSet.Data else if PropName = 'PARAMS' then Result := frxInteger(_TDataSet.Params) else if PropName = 'INDEXDEFS' then Result := frxInteger(_TDataSet.IndexDefs) else if PropName = 'RECORDCOUNT' then Result := _TDataSet.RecordCount; endend;procedure TCDSFunctions.SetProp(Instance: TObject; ClassType: TClass;
const PropName: String; Value: Variant);var _TDataSet: TClientDataSet;function IntToFilterOptions(i: Integer): TFilterOptions;
begin Result := []; if (i and 1) <> 0 then Result := Result + [foCaseInsensitive]; if (i and 2) <> 0 then Result := Result + [foNoPartialCompare]; end;begin
if ClassType = TClientDataSet then begin _TDataSet := TClientDataSet(Instance); if PropName = 'FILTER' then _TDataSet.Filter := Value else if PropName = 'FILTERED' then _TDataSet.Filtered := Value else if PropName = 'FILTEROPTIONS' then _TDataSet.FilterOptions := IntToFilterOptions(Value) else if PropName = 'ACTIVE' then _TDataSet.Active := Value ELSE if PropName = 'DATA' then _TDataSet.Data := Value; endend;initialization
fsRTTIModules.Add(TCDSFunctions);finalization fsRTTIModules.Remove(TCDSFunctions);end.